On the Internet and elsewhere, parents who have
adopted children from foreign institutions often express their distress about
the children’s angry or violent behavior, tantrums, and “meltdowns”. Although
research like that of Michael Rutter has repeatedly shown that delayed language
development (not just the learning of the adopted family’s language) is the
most common result of early life in an institution, few of the concerns parents
speak of are related to language problems.
Is there any connection between the parents’ reports
about angry behavior and the researchers’ statements about language
development? It’s plausible that there should be, especially if we have to add
to language delays the additional challenge of learning a second language.
Adults and other children typically talk to institution-reared children as if
they expect understanding at the level indicated by the child’s size, but even
if the speech is at a relatively low level because of earlier growth problems,
the adoptee may respond with frustrated incomprehension. Both adults and other
children may interpret this behavior as disobedience, noncompliance, rebellion,
unfriendliness, even active hostility, when in fact it may just indicate that a
child has no idea what is happening and no way to express frustration verbally.
The same anger problems can occur with nonadopted
children whose language development is
slow-- not slow in the sense of when the
first word occurs, but slow in terms of the communicative exchanges that
usually develop between 18 and 24 months. A recent study (Roben, Cole, & Armstrong, “Longitudinal
relations among language skills, anger expression, and regulatory strategies in
early childhood”, Child Development, 84(3),
891-905) demonstrated that the
connection between language and angry behavior is not just plausible, but can
be shown by watching children as they develop between 18 and 48 months of age.
The authors suggested that good language development
in young children should enable them to think about rules they have been
taught, to communicate their needs to adults, and to distract themselves from a
frustrating situation by play and imagination. To examine how these predictions
work out empirically, the researchers had mothers and children experience situations
that was frustrating for the child. At 6-month intervals, the child was given
an uninteresting toy, but allowed to see a shiny gift-wrapped package which had
to be waited for while the mother did some “work” by filling out a questionnaire.
The wait time was 8 minutes. (By the way, here’s an insight into the reality of
research on mothers and children: the mothers had to be given their
instructions beforehand to prevent them from bursting out laughing when they
saw what was going on!) While the children waited to open the fancy gift, their
facial expressions of anger, neutrality, or happiness were recorded, and so were other behaviors
like speech to the mother or making faces at themselves in the one-way mirror. Roben
and her colleagues had also taken speech samples from the children talking at
home and employed several tests of language development.
Children whose early language skills were good, and
who continued to develop language rapidly after the toddler period, showed less
quick, intense, and sustained anger by preschool age. “Children whose language
skills increased more than other children’s appeared less frustrated by a delay
for a reward at preschool age, and the nature of their anger expressions
improved more over time. Moreover, these relations between language skill and
anger expression were partially explained by children’s initiation of
regulatory strategies. Language skills were associated with initiation of calm
support seeking [from mother] at 36 months of age and of distraction at 48 months
of age, both of which were associated with less angry expressions by preschool age.”
As Roben and her colleagues point out, there may be
some other explanations for these connections than that good language
development enables children to wait and stay calmer than they could manage
with poor language skills. Children who are unusually angry by temperament may
have their anger interfere with language learning, and parents faced with a
very angry child may not do as much of the talking that helps to support early
language development. However, the connections found between early language
skill and later control of anger were stronger than other associations that
were studied.
To go back to the original topic of this post, anger
and poor language development in children adopted from institutions: what does
this research suggest about interventions for such adoptive families? One
thought is that the current constant emphasis on re-working emotional
attachment may be self-defeating when other aspects of development are ignored.
Assessments of language development and interventions as needed may be the
steps that help post-institutional children to become self-regulated and
comfortable. But such assessments and interventions require evaluators who are
fluent in the child’s first language as well as in speech and language, and
although there are such people, they are very few, and almost exclusively to be
found in large cities.