Monday, November 26, 2012

The New "Myths and Misunderstandings" Is Here

Just a brief announcement: the second edition of my book Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings is now available from Sage Publishers and Amazon. Like other revised editions, this volume is changed by more than 25% from the previous edition, with 14 entirely new essays and revisions of some of the older ones.

Here are some of the claims (common beliefs and statements) that are examined in this edition:

Feral children are individuals who have been brought up from infancy by animals.

When parents divorce, it’s important for young children to have certain experiences with both parents, or they will form an attachment to only one of them.

Parents who were abused as children are likely to abuse their own children.

A young child can tell when someone is just teasing.

When a child is mentally ill, any psychological treatment is better than no treatment.

If a child is sexually molested, he or she will probably repress the memory.

Single-sex schools give better outcomes of academic achievement than do coeducational schools.

Children and adolescents learn bad behavior from their peers.

So,what can be said about these claims? True, or false, or a little of each, or “not proven”? For each of these and the other 51 claims that are examined, Myths and Misunderstandings looks at research evidence and at critical thinking about the topic, and shows the reasons for one of these conclusions. It also provides a list of readings and of critical thinking questions to help readers master the material.

This edition is longer and more thorough than the first. My only real regret--  there’s a new cover picture, and my favorite “naughty boy” in superhero costume has vanished!


  1. Those feral children stories are so mesmerizing though ...

    1. Oh, I know, they are, they are! It's all just like Mowgli and the jungle animals, or like stories where people and horses understand each other perfectly. I almost wish they were true, but it appears that they aren't. But it would be "pretty to think so".
